Top advice for top businesses.
Our clients include national and international large and medium-sized enterprises, entrepreneurs, industrial families and private foundations, as well as government agencies and interest groups, universities, certified public accountants and other law firms. Our flexible structures enable us to adapt to the needs of our clients' needs in the best possible way.
Arnold Rechtsanwälte's private wealth team is highly regarded among fellow lawyers in Austria
Chambers HNW 2023
ARNOLD Rechtsanwälte has been recognized by JUVE as one of the leading law firms in Austria in the areas of M&A and corporate law.
ARNOLD Rechtsanwälte was ranked by HNW Chambers on band 1 in the area of Private Wealth Law, Nikolaus Arnold is also ranked band 1 in the individual lawyer ranking.
Lawyers from ARNOLD Rechtsanwälte ranked first in Private Clients an Founders, fourth in Real Estate Law and fourth in Tax Law, according to the Trend Lawyers Ranking. Nikolaus Arnold was awarded one of the the top rankings of all Austrian lawyers.
Editorial, GesRZ 2024, 133: Verfassungsrechtliche Bedenken gegen die Gleichstellung ausländischer Verurteilungen im Rahmen der Disqualifikation von Geschäftsführern und Vorstandsmitgliedern
SWK 2024, 526: Wesentliche Unterschiede und idente Regelungsbereiche zwischen der FlexCo, der GmbH und der AG